Sanger Sequencing

Essential Molecular Biology Services

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Unlock the power of DNA sequencing with our Sanger Sequencing service

Our expert team utilizes the Sanger sequencing method, a gold standard in DNA sequencing, to accurately determine the sequence of your DNA samples. Whether you need to sequence plasmids, PCR products, or other DNA templates, our state-of-the-art equipment and rigorous quality control ensure reliable results for your research.

Sanger Sequencing

Premix Tube or Plate:

Purified DNA, plasmids and PCR products, premixed with Primers in eppendorf from 1.5 ml or 96 wells plates;

Tube or Plate:

DNA, plasmids and PCR products resuspended in water in eppendorf da1.5 ml or 96 wells plates to be sequenced with standard primer or with non-premixed custom primer;

Walking Primer:

Single or double filament sequence by walking primer
Results: Email 48h from receiving the sample
Reading lenght: 99% precision for the first 700bp

How to order

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